Saturday, September 15, 2012

Rockwell and Bookman findings

Ok. So, I'm a little late on this but since I wasn't in class the day you assigned this I was a little confused, so I took a gander at some of the other's blogs and I must say, some people can just blog.  I, to be honest, hate blogging and me and blogger may never get along, but for others they can crank out blogs that I acctually want to read.  Alright, enough rambling, time to get down to the nitty gritty.

First we have Rockwell.  I believe this is the typeface I like the most between the two.

When I went to and searched Rockwell, these are the only two books it gave me.  I was a little disappointed because I don't care for either.  The top one I hate a little less than the bottom but I think it's because of the graphic not really the typography.  The bottom one is very linear, and boring.  It reads like a newspaper, which in most cases are indeed not fun and entertaining.  So I started binging.

I found this.  This in general was very interesting.  Not just the information it gives but the whole layout in general.  And the colors work nice together.

 This was awesome.  I can't count how many times I have ate Burger King and still haven't looked at the packaging.  But now everytime I get a burger I'm going to instantly think ROCKWELL!!
I really liked this one.  It is hand drawn Rockwell.  It gives it a bit more of a organic feel.  Not such a harsh geometric look that comes with this typeface.  I thought that was interesting.

And on to Bookman.  Bookcoverarchive was let down on this one too. 
 You have to admit that orgami kicks butt!  The typeface is simple and to the point. Which I think works with this one because of the clusterfuckness of the newspaper oragami. (I can't spell oragami).
Different.  Something different here.  The title is in the bottom left yet it has no competition because it is the only text.  You know what to read first. It almost screams TA-DA!
And the I began to bing again.
Bookman seems to be the font for jewelry.  I got alot of necklaces made out of bookman when I was searching.  Probably because it is very clean and elegant.  That and it has been around a while. 
self explanitory, no? I don't tumble.

Moving on to BOOKCOVERS.
I just pick some that caught my eye.
 Me gusta!  The text is very plain but the colors make it pop.  Not to metion the windows give it a 3d feel.  The only thing that makes me jump back is the way all the boxes are you get pushed to that bottom right hand corner.
 Making shapes with text is always fun.. I like houw the glasses and the nose are set in the back.  It makes the white text jump a bit more.
 I chose this one because I like that the shape of the letters define the boxes.  It makes it less boxy. Almost flowy.
 This one started to remind me of David Carson.  At first it was hard to read. But with the simple highlighting of the The Road I go there first.
I just like these typefaces. that is all.

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